Hello I'm

Ayush Goyal

Software Engineer

About Me

Hello, I’m Ayush. I have a rich experience in API & UI development and some mobile development as well. I've an MS in Computer Science and MS in Analytics with ~5 years of professional software development experience in full-stack web-development, mobile and desktop applications. Productivity, Internet of Things and Fitness are some of my areas of interests.

Bollywood and Sports keep me alive - swimming is my passion. I love traveling, food and I’m a big fan of sarcastic comedy. I’ve been on solo trips to 3 foreign countries, been on the tallest building of the world, drove the fastest car in the world, traveled in the world's fastest train, experienced the world's highest 20k SkyDiving and much more. Jack Ma and MS Dhoni have been a big influence and inspiration for me.

  • C#
  • .Net
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • Java

What I do

Web Development

This is what I primarily do. I'm a full stack web developer at Microsoft. I enjoy the client-facing role and working closely with team members to produce high-quality deliverables.

Mobile Development

Mobile apps is somethings I really love to work on. I've worked with Android development mostly. Currently exploring the new Xamarin.


I like designing logos, cards and creating videos. Color, shapes, fonts and